Tuesday, December 1, 2009

My final project will be fantasy themed. I may do some surrealism.

Thursday, October 22, 2009

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

our group photo-portraying the conscience with the angel and devil

Where I would rather be-under the stars most definately

Monday, October 5, 2009

Gilbert Williams
Moon Rising 1991

Fairies/Angels, Arch with temple on top

Contrast, value

I love the blue in this painting. The painting is very peaceful.

rene magritte
The Son of Man 1964

Man, apple, ocean, wall, cloudy sky, contrast, texture


I think the artist believes that a working man can make alot of money, but they don't see the real beauty in life. That there to busy making alll ot this money, that they are missing out on life. I believe this painting was quite a success. They even made a movie about what this painting is portraying(The Thomas Crown Affair.) I really like this painting, it makes you think.

Thursday, October 1, 2009

Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Project 3

Photo #1

"Top of Slide"

Aperture: 11.0

Shutter Speed: 1/320

Photo #2

"This is How We Roll"

Aperture: 11.0

Shutter Speed: 1/320

Photo #3

"In the Grass"

Aperture: 13.0

Shutter Speed: 1/320

Photo #4


Aperture: 13.0

Shutter Speed: 1/320

Monday, September 14, 2009

Artists of Inspiration

I love Ami's work. One reason is because her subjects are musicians. She is known as "Ami Barwell, Rock'N' Roll Photographer." Another reason is because her photos have such drastic contrast. It makes the photos sharp and stand out.

Lenny Kravitz
Ami Barwell

I love Andy's work because he is the King of pop art. I also like his work because it has a little childlike spark to it.

The World
Andy Warhol

I love Kate Nash because her lyrics are simple, plain, but pure poetry. She is another one of those artist who can see the world through the eyes of a child.

Kate Nash

Starry, Starry Night is my favorite by Van Gogh, but everyone knows that piece, so I wanted to show a piece less common so I could explain a bit of why I think he is amazing. Look at that sky. Look at the sky on all of his paintings that have sky. Then you will understand.

Wheatfield Under a Cloudy Sky
Vincent Van Gogh

Andrew is my hero. His lyrics are beautiful poetry full of hope and love. They are empowering and real. A Fun Fact for you: Andrew Macmahon actually has Starry, Starry Night tattooed on his arm. Fun Fact #2-My artwork "Just Swim" appeared in his band, Jack's Mannequin's music video for their single "Swim."

Collage of Songs
Andrew Macmahon.

Monday, September 7, 2009

My name/ Kari Lee Kadrmas

Childhood ambition/ I'm going to be a Rockstar!

Proudest moment/ when I walked and they (medical personal) weren't sure if I'd ever be able to again

Fondest Memory/ I have one particular fond memory that came with my proudest moment-two of my aunts came to the hospital that morning with pom-poms and proceeded to sing every song they could think of with the word "walk" in. (ex. Walk This Way, I Would Walk 600 Miles.) After I did walk my Mom ordered pizza for the entire floor and got some root beer and ice cream for Rootbeer floats. (Our Pizza and Beer Celebration)

Biggest challenge/ Life

Alarm clock/ Snooze Button!

Perfect Day/ That's a tough one. I would have to say April 25th. Because it's not too hot, not too cold, all you need is a light jacket.

Indulgence/ Music, Coffee. and Chocolate

Favorite movie/ Alot, but the first one that comes to mind os The Princess Bride

Soundtrack/ A little Something Corporate, a hint of Avril Lavigne, some Green Day, A lot of Jack's Mannequin, a bit of Paramore and Relient K, , fold in a bunch of stuff you've probably never heard of, topped with classic movie Disney songs and a sprinkle of Kate Nash

Inspirations/ the little things in Life that make me happy, music and the stars

My life is/ an adventure thats for sure!